Dirty Dancing Pinboard

I was on facebook and found this Pinboard, its adorable. Dirty Dancing will always hold a special place in my <3!! I remember as a lil girl watching this movie
with my mom, she had it on VHS this is the funny part; whenever the "sex" sceen would come on she would make me leave the room until there was no more kissing & id continue 2 beg her when was it safe to come back & watch the rest of the movie. Not until I was 16 or so was I aloud to watch the whole movie. It wasnt that graphic, I didn’t think.
This movie is an all time favorite. Now, every time I see the movie I think of my mom and I watching it.. I miss her so, this is for you mom! I love you, may your memories live on from the times we spent before you became so tradgically ill. I will never forget your smile, and our memories I will cherish forever!

Dirty Dancins Pinboard.</p